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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Affiliate Income Booster Techniques

Affiliate Income Booster Techniques
by Chris Small

The biggest source of my online income continues to be from participating in and promoting Affiliate Programs. They provide a steady flow of checks to the mail box. Some of these checks are for just a few dollars, and some of them are for several hundred dollars. But all of them are a direct result of the principles that we will be discussing in this report.
The simplicity of representing a ready-made marketing concept is truly enjoyable. All the hard work has been done in advance by the company. Your job is simply to market the product or service.

Please note that while this article is not intended to offend anyone, it is going to be direct and to the point. The candy coating has been removed.

It always amazes me when I look at the stats of People who join Affiliate Programs. Over 90% of them do absolutely nothing. They don't even so much as click onto their own affiliate page. Some of this may be due to a lack of knowledge or understanding of the process. Some have the impression that simply signing up will make them a success. But, the biggest reason, in my opinion, is that they just lose interest. They only have as much interest as it takes to get signed up and hope that the company or their upline will make them rich. They decide to "give it a try" and see what happens.

Basically, what it boils down to is that the new affiliate marketer must believe in the program AND IN THEMSELVES enough to take some serious action. Now if you are the type of person who is very intent on building a big affiliate income, keep reading. If you are only casually interested in Affiliate success, this article is not for you.

Promote Products and Services that YOU Believe In
First of all you must find a program that gets you excited. Yes, even with the anonymity that the Internet offers, your enthusiasm will be reflected loudly in your written words. Remember this, most people will make their purchase because of a testimonial or personal recommendation. Simply pasting pre written company materials is not going to yield the number of sign ups and sales that you want. You are going to have to communicate directly to the heart of your prospects. In order to do this effectively, you must exude enthusiasm and confidence.

Use Personal Endorsements
Personal endorsements and testimonials are going to provide far more credibility than banner ads and pretty pictures ever will. You must have them. Write your own. Ask your customers for feedback. Ask your upline for their testimonial. Ask your downline. Get as many legitimate words of praise for the program that you are promoting as possible.
Have you ever seen the ads that read; "I lost xx pounds - ask me how". They are everywhere; in newspapers, on buttons that people wear, Laundromat bulletin boards, bumper stickers, etc.. As distasteful as they may be, they are a testament to the power of personal testimonials.

Utilize the Full Value of Ezines
The most effective way to reach your prospects is through ezines. I won't go into all the reasons why you should have your own, there are already many fine articles on that subject. See for a good one. Let's just say that if you don't publish your own ezine, then you will have to pay someone else who does to present your marketing message. Even if you do have your own ezine it is very wise to buy or barter advertising space in other Internet newsletters to increase your exposure.

There are several ways present your message in ezines. The most common, but least effective, is through the use of classified ads. They do work, and are cheap to buy, but you will see far better results with a higher profile ad. Placing your message at or near the top of the publication gives it a much better chance of being seen. These "Sponsor Ads" or "Featured Ads" not only stand out from the rest of the ads, but they carry more credibility too. Also, many publishers will allow you to include more copy in the higher paying ads.

In your own ezine you can take your liberties and write full articles that discuss the merits of your affiliate program. This can be a very effective method, but you need to remember to write it with the readers interests in mind. Nothing turns people off faster than blatant self serving commercials. Always use the WIIFM principle. The reader needs to know, "What's In It For Me".

The Best Method
The absolute best way that I have found to promote any product or service on the Internet is by sending out special news releases or time sensitive updates to a targeted list of opt-in ezine subscribers. These solo mailings are separate from the regular ezine. They focus only on one program, or aspect of it. The results are astounding. Usually within a few hours you will see 90% of the action. If the copy is written well you can see a very high response rate.

Use Your Stats
One last method that helps me to focus my promotions effectively is simply to study the site logs and stats pages. Many Affiliate companies will provide you with a program stats page. Most of them are only about hits, sign ups and income. This is good information to know, but it doesn't let you know which ads are working the best. That's why I like to create redirect pages on my site that are trackable in my site server logs.

Here's how it works. You create an ad for XYZ affiliate and place it in an ezine (or on a web page). Instead of putting in a link to your affiliate page address, you would create a page on your site that automatically sends the visitor to the affiliate page. Each ad that you use would lead to a separate redirect page.

There are two main benefits to this.
1) The link address is going to look more professional and probably shorter. eg
2) You will be able to see in your server logs which ads are drawing the most hits. For more information about the mechanics of this, read one of my previous articles "Little Known Secrets of HTML" at

Be Wise
One caveat. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of Affiliate Programs floating around on the Internet for all kinds of products and services. Some of them are dogs. They just won't work, regardless of how well you promote them. Be wise in selecting the one(s) that you are going to invest your time and money into.

When you find a good one, practice the above methods, along with your own creativity and enthusiasm, and you too will experience the joy of opening envelopes with large checks in them. I look forward to reading YOUR success story.

Chris Small is a cyber entrepreneur and host of several successful websites. If you would like to read more articles like this by Chris go to

6 Things To Increase Your Affiliate Income

So you've signed up for affiliate programs, posted links around the net but you're still only making pocket change? Wonder what others are doing that you aren't? Below you will find 6 things that every affiliate marketer ...

6 Things To Increase Your Affiliate Income ...
by Nell Taliercio

So you've signed up for Affiliate Programs, posted links around the net but you're still only making pocket change? Wonder what others are doing that you aren't? Below you will find 6 things that every affiliate marketer needs to increase their income.

#1 - Your own Website: Build a website to promote the product. Make sure it has its own paid for domain name (, not a free site like ( If you don't know how to build a website there are lots of places that offer simple site builders or you could choose to have someone build a site for you.

#2 - Write reviews: You need to know your product and preferable use it yourself so that you can write honest reviews about it. What better way to promote a product and get people to believe it's great than to say you use it too? Post these reviews on your website, in your newsletters, articles and any other site you visit that gives you an opportunity to do so.

#3 - Use a Blog: I recommend that you get a Blog and link back and forth to your website. This will allow you to create discussions on the blog about the product you are selling and list any updates to your regular website. Active Blogs are indexed quicker by many search engines than are new sites, and after the blog is indexed, the pages you have linked to the blog will also get indexed.

#4 - Write Articles: One of the best ways to become an expert on your product is to write articles on the Internet and include a link to your website in the resource box. There is a plethora of places to submit articles and the more you write, the more people will trust what you are saying. You get more exposure, more people coming to your website; more click thorough of your affiliate link to purchase the product thus making you more money.

#5 - Put your links in your signature lines: Never allow a sale to pass you by! If you are a member of even one forum, you need to have your affiliate link in your signature line. It's free advertisement and you never know who will see it and click through to check out your product.

#6 - Use Links instead of banners or buttons: Due to the overwhelming amount of pop-ups and flashy text that we get each time we visit a website, people have learned to block out these as well as banners and buttons. It's much more professional looking and effective to have a text link with a few lines about the product. If you are serious about increasing your affiliate income I suggest you at least do some further research on the things I have listed. If you choose to use these suggestions and take the time to do them correctly, I believe you will see an increase in your income. If you would like more information on Affiliate Marketing or want to read other articles I have written, please visit www.mommysplacenet

Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or feedback.

About The Author: Nell Taliercio is the publisher of a weekly telecommuting newsletter that helps moms and dads work at home.

Read more about the newsletter and get your free listing of job links at - and for more telecommuting and home based business information head over to

Copyright Nell Taliercio -

Hentikan Membeli Panduan Perniagaan Internet Atau Menghadiri Seminar Perniagaan Internet Kerana Anda Sebenarnya Hanya Membazirkan Wang Dan Masa....

Click Here for English
FAKTA: Kebanyakan panduan perniagaan Internet yang terdapat di pasaran tak boleh dilaksanakan di Malaysia....
Hentikan Membeli Panduan Perniagaan Internet Atau Menghadiri Seminar Perniagaan Internet Kerana Anda Sebenarnya Hanya Membazirkan Wang Dan Masa....

8 Julai, 2006
Dari: Mohd, Kuala Lumpur
Rakanku usahawan Internet,
Anda mungkin pernah membeli panduan perniagaan Internet, ataupun menghadiri seminar perniagaan Internet.
Apa yang anda dapat setelah darinya?
Bolehkah anda mempraktikkan apa yang dipelajari?
Sebagai seorang yang telah menceburkan diri dalam perniagaan Internet sejak tahun 1998, saya selalu menerima email dari rakyat Malaysia yang lain menyatakan kesukaran mereka untuk menceburkan diri dalam bidang ini.

Semuanya gara-gara dua perkara berikut:
1- ClickBank tidak lagi menerima permohonan rakyat Malaysia untuk membuka akaun, sama ada sebagai affiliate atau vendor.
2- Keuntungan yang diperolehi melalui Akaun PayPal tidak dapat dikeluarkan oleh rakyat Malaysia kecualilah jika mereka mempunyai akaun bank US.
Sekiranya anda tidak tahu apa-apa tentang ClickBank dan PayPal, kedua-dua syarikat ini menawarkan perkhidmatan menerima pembayaran kad kredit kepada usahawan Internet.
Yang lebih menariknya, ClickBank mempunyai sistem affiliate yang membolehkan anda mendapatkan keuntungan sehingga 75% dari produk-produk yang dijual di ClickBank.
Saya menganggap ClickBank sebagai 'lubuk emas' perniagaan Internet. Jika anda tidak percaya dengan saya, sila lihat penyata akaun ClickBank saya: (Semua urusniaga adalah dalam dollar Amerika)
Penyata bulan Ogos 2005
Penyata bulan Februari 2006
Salah satu cek ClickBank yang saya terima untuk tempoh 15 hari berniaga.

Anda mungkin bertanya:
Fairuz, tadi awak kata rakyat Malaysia tak boleh membuka akaun ClickBank, macam mana awak boleh memilikinya?
Bukan anda sahaja yang bertanya soalan ini. Saya sering ditanya oleh rakyat Malaysia yang lain mengenai soalan yang sama. Berikut adalah sebahagian dari e-mel yang saya terima:
Berbalik kepada soalan tadi, saya membuka akaun ClickBank pada tahun 1999. Ketika itu rakyat Malaysia boleh membuka seberapa banyak akaun ClickBank yang dia mahu. Tetapi beberapa tahun selepas itu, Malaysia telah dikeluarkan dari senarai negara yang dibenarkan mendaftar dengan ClickBank.

Jadi, untuk menjawab persoalan mengenai akaun ClickBank ini, saya telah membuat satu teori. Saya telah aplikasikan teori tersebut, dan saya berjaya membuka satu lagi akaun ClickBank. Walau bagaimanapun, saya tidak berani mengesyorkannya kepada rakyat Malaysia yang lain, kerana saya tidak pernah menggunakan akaun yang baru itu.

Begitu juga dengan masalah pengeluaran wang dari PayPal, saya tiada jawapan sebab semua wang PayPal saya digunakan untuk kegunaaan business Internet.

Dalam saya sedang tercari-cari penyelesaian sebenar untuk permasalahan ini, tiba-tiba saya didatangi oleh sepucuk e-mel dari seorang usahawan Internet Malaysia bernama Gobala Krishnan. Menurutnya, dia telah menjumpai penyelesaian kepada rakyat Malaysia yang ingin membuka akaun ClickBank, dan telah menyiapkan sebuah panduan khusus yang dinamakan sebagai Chapter-M untuk anda semua.
Apabila saya membaca panduan yang diberikan oleh Gobala, saya merasa amat puas hati kerana telah mendapat jawapan yang boleh saya kongsi bersama anda semua.

Bukan setakat itu sahaja, Gobala juga turut memberi panduan bagaimana hendak mengeluarkan wang dari akaun PayPal, membeli dan menjual duit PayPal, cara membuka akaun bank US dan lain-lain lagi perkara berkaitan perniagaan Internet yang mesti anda tahu. (Anda boleh membaca nota dari Gobala di ruangan bawah laman web ini).

Berita baik untuk anda:
Gobala telah melantik sebagai pengedar yang sah kepada panduan beliau.
Sekiranya anda memang betul-betul serius untuk menceburi perniagaan Internet dan ingin menjadi usahawan Internet berjaya, anda WAJIB membaca panduan ini.
Jika tidak, anda boleh lupakan dunia perniagaan Internet dan beralih kepada bidang lain...

Tawaran Terhad!
Harga yang dicadangkan oleh Gobala untuk panduan ini adalah US$21 (RM78). Tapi sekiranya anda membeli melalui, anda mendapat diskaun sebanyak RM31. Hanya bayar US$13 (RM47), dan panduan ini akan dapat dibaca oleh anda hari ini juga. (tak kiralah walaupun jam sedang menunjukkan jam 2.00 pagi).
Sekiranya anda beli sekarang, saya akan berikan bonus-bonus berikut PERCUMA!

Bonus 1
Teknik Buat Duit Banyak Dengan Program Affiliate
Bonus ini walaupun hanya kurang dari 10 helai, tapi mengandungi rahsia yang cukup hebat, sekiranya anda ingin membuat duit dengan program affiliate.
Teknik ini dipraktikkan oleh saya sendiri dan juga kebanyakan affiliate marketer yang hebat dari seluruh dunia.
Anda akan mendapat hak untuk mem'brand'kannya dengan maklumat anda. Di samping itu anda juga akan mendapat peluang memperolehi komisyen dengan hanya mengedarkan ebook ini kepada rakan-rakan!

Bonus 2
Hak Jualan Untuk eBook Chapter-M

Dengan memiliki Chapter-M, bukan sahaja anda memperolehi maklumat berharga bagaimana hendak membuka akaun ClickBank dan mengeluarkan duit PayPal, bahkan anda juga boleh menjualnya semula dengan harga sekurang-kurangnya RM47.

Update: Mulai 1 Jun, bonus ini telah ditarik balik atas arahan En. Gobala. Tapi tak apa, sekiranya anda membeli melalui, anda masih ada peluang menjual Chapter-M, tetapi sebagai affiliate kepada Empayar Internet, dan kami akan memberi komisyen 50%.

Apa lagi yang anda tunggu? Tidakkah anda mahu menyertai usahawan Internet Malaysia lain yang telah berjaya disebabkan mereka boleh menggunakan ClickBank & PayPal dalam urusan perniagaan Internet mereka?

Klik Di Sini Untuk DownloadPanduan Ini Sekarang Juga
Sekiranya anda inginkan maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai panduan ClickBank dan PayPal untuk rakyat Malaysia ini, anda boleh baca mesej yang ditulis oleh Gobala sendiri di bawah ini.
Semoga berjaya,
Mohd Fairuz fairuz AT

P.S. Harga US$13 (RM47) ini amat rendah jika dibandingkan dengan keuntungan berlipat ganda yang akan anda perolehi jika anda mempunyai akaun ClickBank. Jangan lupa, anda juga akan memiliki bonus yang mendedahkan rahsia buat duit dengan program affiliate, di samping memperolehi komisyen dengan hanya mengedarkannya!

P.P.S. Jadi apa lagi yang anda tunggu? Dapatkan panduan ClickBank & PayPal ini sekarang juga.

Berikut adalah mesej dari Gobala
Kalau anda memiliki atau ingin memulakan Perniagaan Internet di Malaysia, maklumat ini adalah penyelesaian yang terakhir bagi masalah-masalah besar yang anda hadapi:
Ketahui Rahsia Penggunaan Paypal™ Dan Clickbank™ di Malaysia Untuk Perniagaan Internet Dan Gandakan Pendapatan Anda Sebanyak 10 Kali!
FAKTA: Anda hanya membazirkan wang membeli e-book atau atau menghadiri workshop perniagaan Internet sekiranya anda tidak memiliki Chapter-M.
Jika anda tidak berminat untuk mengatasi 3 masalah besar yang bakal anda hadapi sebagai usahawan Internet dari Malaysia, BERHENTI MEMBACA!

Daripada: Gobala Krishnan
Tarikh: Sabtu, Julai 08, 2006.
RUJ: Dilema Kekurangan Peluang e-Dagang Sebagai Rakyat Malaysia

Usahawan Internet Malaysia Yang Saya Hormati,
Hari ini, saya terima satu lagi e-mel daripada seorang usahawan Internet yang terdesak.

Siang malam, asyik masalah yang sama sahaja. Saya dah cukup bengang dan bosan mendengarnya. Masalah-masalah ini asyik menjadi penghalang bagi kita rakyat Malaysia yang serius ingin menjalankan perniagaan di Internet. Saya tak boleh lagi duduk diam dan biarkan mereka merana.

Ini masalahnya: Terdapat ramai Usahawan Internet baru seperti anda, yang telah menghabiskan banyak wang di seminar atau e-buku mengenai “Bagaimana Untuk Membuat Duit Di Internet”. Pada masa itu, anda rasa gembira sangat kerana seorang Mat Salleh beritahu betapa senangnya untuk buat duit dengan Clickbank™ dan Paypal™. Tanpa melengahkan masa, anda terus membuat perancangan mega anda, untuk meraih keuntungan jutaan Ringgit.
Tapi bila Mat Salleh itu pulang ke US ke UK ke (tak kiralah dari mana dia datang) dengan jet peribadinya (bersama-sama dengan wang anda), anda baru sedar akan 3 MASALAH BESAR yang dihadapi oleh usahawan Internet Malaysia:
Anda tidak boleh mendaftar dengan Clickbank – Clickbank tidak menerima keahlian daripada Malaysia. Yang sebenarnya, Malaysia tidak disenaraikan pun dalam senarai nama-nama negara keahliannya.
Anda tidak boleh mengeluarkan wang dari akaun Paypal anda – Anda ada idea yang hebat, menjual satu produk di EBay™ tetapi anda juga sedar bahawa anda tidak boleh memindahkan wang Paypal anda ke dalam bank akaun anda di Malaysia. Paypal tidak akan mengeluarkan cek dan anda tidak mempunyai bank akaun di US. Disebabkan ini, sementara orang lain buat jutaan duit, anda terlepas peluang sekali lagi.
Tanpa Kad Kredit, anda tidak boleh mula – Semua perniagaan Internet memerlukan kad kredit tapi anda tidak memiliknya. Anda telah cuba memohon tapi permohonan anda sentiasa ditolak. Akhir sekali anda berkata kepada diri anda sendiri, “Ah! Malaslah macam ni. Leceh betul! Mana boleh nak buat biznes internet ni??…”

Sudah berkali-kali saya mendengar masalah tersebut daripada rakyat Malaysia yang terdesak. Saya buat keputusan untuk selesaikan masalah ini. Saya tahu ianya dapat diatasi kerana saya sendiri menjual di Clickbank dan saya juga adalah ‘affiliate’ Clickbank sejak 2005. Saya juga ada akaun Paypal dan setiap bulan saya dapat mengeluarkan wang dari akaun Paypal saya kedalam akaun bank saya di Malaysia.

Saya dapat melakukan semua ini dengan mudah, 100% sah di sisi undang-undang tanpa masalah.
Ini yang hebatnya: Saya sendiri mengenali tidak kurang dari 5 orang Usahawan Internet Malaysia yang dapat buat perkara yang sama. Jadi persoalannya bukanlah “Boleh ke?” Tapi persoalannya, “Macam mana aku boleh buat?” dan “Kenapa tak ada siapa pun yang berkongsi maklumat ini?”

Saya faham apa yang anda rasakan.
Tidak lama dahulu, saya juga menghadapi masalah yang sama. Tapi sejak saya jadi Usahawan Internet sepenuh masa, saya telah berusaha dan mencari penyelesaian jangka-panjang untuk mengatasi “kekurangan” saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Saya telah mencuba pelbagai strategi (separuhnya menempuh kegagalan yang teruk) sehinggalah saya menjumpai PENYELESAIAN MUKTAMAD.

Every day I have to disappoint subscribers from Malaysia telling them that they will be unable to cash in on all those ClickBank profits awaiting them.
But now at last I can point them to Chapter-M - a book which explains with simple and clear instructions exactly what they have to do, using information I've not come across before. Well done on filling this great need.

Harvey Segal "Mr Super Tips"ClickBank Success
Clickbank is truly an Internet gold mine, and I considered myself lucky for being able to get a Clickbank account before they decided to ban Malaysia from their country list.
Many Malaysians asked me how to open a Clickbank account. Even though I know several theories, I myself wasn't sure about them, until I read your report.
Man, you've done a great job! You're 100% correct when you said your report is a missing chapter in Malaysian e-commerce.

It's a no-brainer!
This product must be owned by Malaysians who are thinking or are already running an Internet business, and don't have a clue on how to capitalize the power of ClickBank and PayPal.
I ordered this product even before I finished reading the entire website.
Now, I don't have to manually answer my fellow Malaysian subscribers who keep asking me the "How to open a ClickBank or PayPal account" question anymore. I simply refer them to Chapter-M!

Thank you for creating an awesome product that Malaysians will definitely appreciate.
Your friend,
Zamri Nanyan
Penang, Malaysia

It's great that somebody actually write this for Malaysians. For so long, Malaysians have been using Paypal but can'twithdraw them, accept to buy other things back online. Even with that, you are limited to the things that you can buy. Not everybody accepts Paypal.But then again, any business that is not accepting Paypalmay be sending a lot of money away. And previously, I knowthat some Malaysian merchants opt for third party to convert their Paypal fund to MYR. And they lose a lot of money in the process.With what you share in your ebook, now they don't have to. I think any Malaysians who wish to start a business onlineshould get your guide. It's a solution for the real world.

Saya telah menjumpai satu 'bab' yang tercicir dalam kesemua e-buku dan seminar-seminar yang hanya menjualkan satu impian kepada anda tapi tidak menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana untuk mendapatkannya. Tiada siapa pun yang ingin menjawab persoalan-persoalan ini. Tiada siapa pun yang mahu turun ke padang dan membantu anda.

Tapi saya akan membantu anda.
Saya Telah Menemui Chapter-Malaysia,Dan Saya Mahu Kongsikan Bersama Anda Semua…
Saya telah kumpulkan kesemua strategi-strategi saya dan menjadikan ia kepada satu laporan yang mudah di baca, tiada-tokok-tambah-dan-tiada-karut. Laporan ini saya namakan Chapter-M. Tolong jangan beli sebarang e-buku atau pergi ke mana-mana seminar selagi anda belum membaca Chaptr-M. Tapi lainlah kalau anda mahu membazirkan kesemua wang anda, yang telah anda bertungkus lumus bekerja untuk mendapatkannya, kepada janji-janji kosong.

Rahsia Yang Terkandung Dalam Chapter-M: Ia bukanlah satu lagi laporan atau e-book yang berbentuk, “Bagaimana Untuk Buat Duit?” Kerana yang berbentuk itu sudah banyak dipasaran. Akan tetapi, Chapter-M adalah satu laporan yang telah ditulis khas untuk rakyat Malaysia seperti saya dan anda. Ia mempunyai 28 muka surat. Yang berikut ini adalah rahsia-rahsia dalam Chapter-M:

Bagaimana Hendak Mendaftar Dengan Clickbank® – Mereka tidak mahukan anda dan mereka memang tidak akan mahu anda. Tak percaya? Cuba anda pergi ke sekarang, dan cuba buka akaun baru. Saya akan tunjukkan satu strategi rahsia supaya anda dapat atasi masalah ini dan boleh mula menjual produk anda di Clickbank. Untuk pengetahuan anda, Clickbank adalah satu tempat pemasaran yang terbesar di Internet. Dengan maklumat dalam Chaptr-M ini, anda boleh mula mempromosikan produk-produk Clickbank yang sedang hangat di pasaran sebagai seorang ‘affiliate’ dan anda boleh mendapat pendapatan yang lebih daripada apa yang anda dapat sekarang.

Bagaimana Untuk Mendapat Cek Clickbank Di Pintu Rumah Anda – Saya akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh melakukannya. Tidak kira samada anda tinggal di Kuala Lumpur ke Perlis ke Kota Bharu ke Kluang ke Kuching ke mahupun KK. Ianya boleh dilakukan, dan saya akan menunjukkannya satu-per-satu bagaimana hendak melakukannya. Bila anda berjaya melakukan ini, anda akan senyum memanjang ke bank untuk menunaikan cek-cek komisen anda itu.

Bagaimana Hendak Mendaftar Dengan Paypal® dan Buka Satu Bank Akaun Baru – Buat masa sekarang ini, anda boleh mendaftar dengan Paypal tapi anda tidak boleh mengeluarkan wang anda. Saya tahu bunyinya macam bodoh dan anda mungkin terfikir, “Kalau aku tak boleh keluarkan duit aku dari Paypal, buat apa Paypal bagi aku buka akaun dengan dia orang?” Itu satu persoalan yang bagus tapi tiada gunanya anda ajukan soalan itu kepada Paypal kerana Paypal tidak akan melayan anda. Walau bagaimanapun, kalau anda tahu apa yang perlu dibuat dan bagaimana untuk melakukannya, anda boleh selesaikan masalah ini untuk selama-lamanya.

Bagaimana Untuk Keluarkan Duit Daripada Paypal Dengan Senang – Saya akan tunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana anda boleh masukkan seberapa banyak duit daripada akaun Paypal anda ke dalam Maybank2u (atau bank lain) dengan selamat, dalam waktu 5 hari bekerja. Dengan maklumat ini, anda akan mempunyai aliran wang tunai (cash flow) yang lebih baik dan anda juga boleh membuat perancangan aktiviti perniagaan anda dengan lebih mantap.

Bagaimana Untuk Melindungi Akaun Paypal Anda – Anda mungkin akan terkejut pada satu hari nanti kerana Paypal telah membekukan akaun anda tanpa sebab. Saya akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh elakkan diri daripada berlaku kepada akaun anda. Dengan maklumat ini, anda tidak akan buat perkara yang salah di kaca mata pihak pengurusan Paypal.

Bagaimana Untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Paypal – Jika akaun Paypal anda dibekukan di masa akan datang (akaun saya pernah dibekukan), saya akan tunjukkan satu pelan ‘pemulihan’ (recovery) setapak-demi-setapak yang akan memastikan perniagaan anda boleh terus berjalan dengan lancar dan anda tidak akan kehilangan satu sen pun.

Bagaimana Hendak Mewujudkan Satu Pelan ‘Back-Up’ Paypal – Jangan sekali-kali letakkan wang anda dalam satu tempat. Anda ada buat begitu? Sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, takut-takut tanpa sebab, Paypal membuat keputusan untuk membekukan akaun anda, saya akan tunjukkan kepada anda satu pelan strategi rahsia yang boleh menyelamatkan perniagaan anda. Dengan rahsia “Plan C” saya, anda boleh menukar kepada pemproses pembayaran yang alternative dalam masa yang singkat, hanya 3 saat sahaja. Ya! Saya juga akan beritahu anda apakah alternatif-alternatif tersebut.

Bagaimana Hendak Mulakan Perniagaan Internet Tanpa Kad Kredit – Kalau anda tidak mempunyai kad kredit, jangan risau. Orang lain mungkin mengatakan yang anda tiada harapan tapi saya akan tunjukkan pada anda satu penyelesaian yang mudah dan anda boleh mulakan e-dagang anda dengan serta merta. Jangan bimbang, ianya adalah 100% sah di sisi undang-undang!

Dan ada banyak lagi yang saya akan kongsikan….
Ya, Malaysia BOLEH! Kalau dunia luar tidak inginkan anda melakukan e-dagang dan Pemasaran Internet, adakah anda akan berputus asa? Atau …anda akan ‘lawan’ balik?

Anda perlu faham akan fakta ini - apabila anda berurusan dengan syarikat-syarikat gergasi dari US, mereka mungkin tidak tahu di mana letaknya Malaysia dalam peta dunia (atau tidak peduli) dan mereka hanya bersembunyi disebalik sistem mereka.

Selagi anda mengikut peraturan sistem mereka, anda akan selamat. Tapi kalau sistem mereka menolak anda, tiada faedahnya anda cuba menghubungi mereka untuk meminta bantuan. Adakah anda fikir yang staf-sokongan mereka prihatin tentang sesuatu selain daripada perkara yang memudahkan kerja mereka dan mendapat gaji bulanan?
Dengan ChapterM anda boleh atasi semua masalah-masalah anda. Saya tidak menggunakan taktik yang kotor. Saya juga tidak mengingkari Syarat Terma Servis mereka (Terms of Service) dan saya tidak mengaburi atau menipu sistem mereka. Apa yang saya lakukan hanyalah:
a. Mempelajari peraturan-peraturan yang diberikan dan…
b. Menggunakan peraturan-peraturan tersebut untuk manfaat saya.

Saya telah membaca Chapter-M dan saya dapati ianya mudah, terus-terang dan sangat unik. Saya masih belum menjumpai maklumat seperti ini dari tempat lain dan saya pasti akan mencadangkan ia kepada semua yang menghadiri Workshop Jutawan Internet saya.
Kalau anda berminat untuk mulakan perniagaan Internet anda sendiri di Malaysia, saya amat menggalakkan anda memiliki e-buku ini sebelum anda memulakan sesuatu.
Beliau memang seorang yang arif dan mengetahui apa yang dicakapkan.
Irfan Khairi
Penulis buku No. 1 Terlaris “Rahsia Jutawan-jutawan Internet Terbongkar” dan "Secrets of Internet Millionaires Revealed"

Gobala, saya benci anda!
Anda sepatutnya tulis perkara ini awal-awal dulu supaya dapat menyelematkan saya dari keperitan dan kesusahan untuk memindahkan duit Paypal saya ke dalam bank akaun saya. Tahu tak betapa banyaknya masa yang telah saya habiskan?
Akhirnya anda memutuskan juga untuk membuatnya….
Permata yang sebenar adalah pada halaman 16-20. Saya tidak tahu pun yang saya boleh menggunakan cara-cara rahsia itu untuk mengeluarkan duit saya. Taktik-taktik ini sendiri sudah bernilai sepuluh kali ganda daripada harga buku ini. Saya tak faham mengapa anda melepaskan kesemua ini pada harga yang amat rendah…
Salam hormat,
Sunny Tan

Hai Gobala,
Chapter-M ini amatlah menarik sekali, lebih-lebih lagi untuk rakyat Malaysia…saudara telah menghasilkan suatu kerja yang sangat bagus!!
Ben Tiew

Encik Gobala,
Terima kasih kerana berkongsi maklumat ini bersama saya. Kini saya sedang cuba untuk bekerja di rumah disamping mengurus 5 orang anak. Saya telah mencuba buat jualan di Ebay tapi saya telah abaikannya kerana saya tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menggunakan Paypal dari Malaysia.
Sekarang baru saya nampak jalan untuk bermula tanpa sebarang masalah.
Salimah Hassan

Hai Gobala!
Terima kasih kerana memberi peluang kepada saya membaca Chapter-M. Laporan anda ini memang datang tepat pada masanya kerana ia boleh membantu idea biznes Internet saya yang telah lama terkubur sebab saya tak ada idea macam mana nak ambil pesanan klien dan memindahkan duit ke dalam bank akaun saya di Malaysia.
Sekarang idea itu boleh hidup balik dan saya boleh mulakan perniagaan saya melalui Internet tidak lama lagi.
Saya akhiri emel ini dengan ucapan penutup Alley Cats, “Terima kasseeehhh!
Ihsan a.k.a

Chapter-M memang mudah difahami dan penuh dengan maklumat yang penting!!
Sebelum ini kami agak segan dan kurang pasti bila nak terima order dengan PayPal... tetapi kini kami berani nak memaparkan logo Paypal pada halaman web kami!! Semuanya kerana kamu sudi berkongsi, Gobala!
Thank you!
Hafiz and

Ini tawaran istimewa saya: Anda boleh duduk saja dan tunggu bertahun-tahun lamanya sebelum syarikat-syarikat bodoh itu menyedari bahawa Malaysia adalah satu pasaran yang lumayan untuk mereka... atau anda boleh membaca ChapterM dan 5 minit kemudian anda akan dapat jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah-masalah anda berkaitan dengan Paypal dan Clickbank.

Bertindak Sekarang Sebelum Terlambat: Miliki ChapterM sekarang sebelum terlambat. Anda boleh membuat bayaran melalui kad kredit, Paypal, Maybank2u, cek atau kiriman wang. Jadi anda tiada alasan untuk tidak bertindak sekarang. Saya lakukan semua ini supaya anda mudah untuk memilikinya.

Muat-turunkan dan baca ChapterM. Jangan baca seperti membaca buku cerita tapi baca seolah-olah jiwa anda bergantung padanya kerana terus terang saya katakan, sememangnya begitu. Cuba strategi-strategi saya, perbaiki dan majukan perniagaan anda. Kalau ChapterM tidak membantu anda sepertimana ia telah membantu semua orang yang anda lihat di laman-web ini, simpan duit anda, saya tidak memerlukannya.
Klik Di Sini Untuk MembeliPanduan Ini Sekarang Juga
Yang Ikhlas,
Gobala Krishnan

P/S: ChapterM adalah untuk Usahawan Internet Malaysia yang serius sahaja. Ia bukanlah satu lagi sampah “Bagaimana Hendak Buat Duit?”. Ia hanya bertumpukan kepada penyelesaian masalah-masalah berkaitan dengan Clickbank, Paypal dan seumpanya dimana masalah tersebut akan dihadapi oleh setiap Usahawan Internet Malaysia pada suatu hari nanti samada cepat ataupun lambat.

Walaupun ia hanya mempunyai 28 mukasurat yang senang untuk dibaca tetapi maklumat yang disampaikan amatlah bernas sekali. Di sini saya tidak menjual kertas A4, jadi kalau anda rasa yang anda mahukan sebuah e-buku 500+ muka surat, yang mana anda tidak akan membacanya, sila cari di tempat lain, di sini bukan tempatnya.
P/P/S: Saya akan tunjukkan kepada anda lebih daripada 8 tip-tip rahsia bagaimana untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah ini dengan mudah, 100% sah di sisi undang-undang supaya anda boleh menjalankan perniagaan Internet anda untuk jangka masa panjang.


by Kevin Bidwell

It's a great feeling to open your mail and see a check there for $ 500 or more. It's an even greater feeling to get two or three! While there are hordes of affiliates out there who never make a sale or get a check, there are a few of us who get checks every month, all year long. No matter what kind of site you have, you want to be one of those people. There are several steps to building an effective affiliate income:
1. Identify a workable market niche.
2. Locate solid affiliate programs to offer that niche.
3. Build a site and newsletter with high-quality information tied to that niche.
4. Get your targeted visitors to the site and signed up for your newsletter.
5. Send your visitors with open and receptive minds to the affiliate sites you represent, ready to buy.
In this article I will look at the second step: Locating affiliate programs that will make you the long-term money you want and need. There are a number of places you can look for affiliate programs.

Here are a few I use:
Our Own Search Engine of Affiliate Programs
Our New Programs Mailer (this focuses on new two-tier affiliate programs):
Allan Gardyne's Associate Program Directory

Here is how you can identify a program that will make you a good income over the coming months and years:

If your niche is radio controlled car racing enthusiasts, you don't want to offer them internet marketing courses. Instead, you will want to offer them products related to RC racing.

Sending an email to your list doesn't cost you anything, right? WRONG! Here's why... Every time you send out an email about one product, you are giving up the opportunity to send out a recommendation on some other product. This is called opportunity cost. I do a product recommendation to my list about once per month. I know that the average return per subscriber for each of those mailers is around 10 to 20 cents per subscriber. If I choose to recommend a product to my list and the commission is too low, I may make only 2 cents per subscriber. So, that mailer "cost" me 8 cents per subscriber. That is a HUGE amount of wasted opportunity. The commission offered on your product needs to be enough to justify your cost in advertising the product. 40-50% of a digital product and 30-40% for a "hard good" is probably reasonable. If someone is trying to give you less than this you most likely need to walk away. Of course, re-curing commissions have a few other variables to consider.

Before you recommend a product--even if you truly believe in the product--make sure you take a close look at the sales process. Is the sales page readable? Compelling? If not, don't send people to the page--they aren't going to buy.

Recommending products you have not looked at is like Russian roulette--you might get by with it for a couple spins, but eventually it will shoot you in the head. A well-known marketer recommended an ebook he had not read himself. He had read the first version, but not volume 2. Later, when it became obvious the product was pretty much a waste of money, the "guru's" recommendation--sent to his list--now appeared as a testimonial at the sales site. It hurt this guru's credibility and his own ability to make sales.

You should be able to see how many visitors you have sent to the affiliate site, how many purchased and how much sales commission you have earned. This is a bare minimum. Following these five recommendations will go a long way toward getting you nice commission checks week after week. ============================================================ Kevin Bidwell is owner of Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive income. Grab your copy here:

How I Earn 80k a year in Affiliate Income?

How I Earn 80k a year in Affiliate Income?
Jim Daniels shares his secrets to finding and working the right affiliate programs to bring in 80K a year - and how YOU can find the right program to help YOU do the same!
By Jim Daniels

A few years ago, when affiliate programs began to make their way onto the Net, I was already "living" online. So naturally, I was one of the very first marketers to take a look at this "new" online marketing idea.
And frankly, after a close look inside the numbers, what I saw was not overly exciting. But thanks to a little patience and a few strategies I developed, I've been able to generate affiliate income that most experts predicted was impossible (and continue to say it's impossible to this day!)

If you're looking to do the same, read on...
The very first affiliate program I reviewed, paid an average of ten percent commissions on each product sale my site generated. The products (mostly books) averaged around $15 so my share would be about a buck and a half per sale. I figured if I could get one sale out of every 35 visitors I sent to the site, that would be a decent conversion rate (better than average, actually). After doing a little math, I concluded that I would earn about $45 for every 1000 visitors I sent to the site.
But getting 1000 visitors to any given affiliate site meant I'd have to get about 10,000 visitors to my own site. If I could do that every week, I'd be doing OK for a small business site with a marketing budget close to zero. But I was already learning that it takes time and money to get 10,000 visitors a week. And let's see... for all my traffic generating efforts I would pull in a cool $180 a month? It didn't take a genius to figure out that it might not be worth the effort. I passed.

But I did NOT pass on the affiliate game altogether. I knew there was potential for excellent long-term income in the right affiliate programs so I bided my time and grew my website traffic and my ezine subscriber numbers. Meanwhile, I kept a close eye on the affiliate horizon.
Then during 1998 and 1999 I joined my first few serious affiliate programs. And to make a long story short, these few affiliate programs were responsible for over $80,000 in income at my website last year alone. Who says you can't make a decent income with affiliate programs?
While I've sampled a few other programs along the way, I continue to promote only a select few programs on a regular basis. As far as affiliate program marketing goes, you won't find too many marketers who are as picky as I am. But picky works. Had I joined that very first affiliate program I looked at, I would have been lucky to make $5,000 last year in affiliate income. Not bad, but a far cry from 80K.

So what programs pulled in 80k last year for me?
I'm not going to tell you!
That's right, you'll have to poke around at my website and find out. I did not write today's tip to round up more second-tier affiliates. I wrote it to show you the TRUE potential in affiliate program marketing and to explain exactly how you can grow affiliate income like I have.

So let's get to that next. What are the secrets to generating measurable affiliate income? Here they are in a nice five-step program...

1. Choose the right affiliate programs! As my example above shows, this important step can mean a difference of 75K a year, easily. The right programs for YOU are ...
a) programs that tie in with your site well (Ex: don't promote a dating service if your site focuses on business)
b) programs that you can get behind 100% and recommend personally to your website visitors, subscribers and all else who come in contact with your business
c) programs that pay serious commissions of 25% or more on sales -- and if you can earn residual or recurring income that's even better (Ex: services like web hosting require customers to pay monthly, so you as an affiliate can earn monthly too!)

2. Promote your best programs with personal recommendations at your website and in your email messages.
While most affiliate programs offer marketing assistance to their affiliates, your best bet is to form your own marketing plan and promotion material. This sets your affiliate site apart from thousands of others.
And don't forget, in order to truly make personal recommendations, you'll need to be a CUSTOMER as well. I see far too many affiliates making personal recommendations without even making the investment in the product or service they are promoting. Not only will you lose credibility when you do this, you'll be limiting your marketing potential by not knowing the product like you should.

3. Don't go affiliate crazy and promote too many programs.
A handful is fine, but a dozen or more cheapens the experience for your users. If you absolutely MUST promote lots of products and services, PERSONALLY RECOMMEND only a small number of them. Take your very best ONE or TWO affiliate programs and stick to recommending them as your staple. A premium service with a slightly higher than normal price tag and generous commission is ideal for this strategy. But be sure it is worth the price!

4. Don't expect to grow serious affiliate income without having a website of your own.
Too many newbies make this mistake. They think they can avoid ALL online business start-up time and expenses by joining an affiliate program and using the free site they get as their main site. It's a mistake. The best affiliates in EVERY program have their own website where they bring ALL their traffic first. From a "home base" like this you are free to make personal recommendations, promote a variety of programs and earn income other ways such as advertising or selling your own products and services. Growing your own site is a major key to growing serious long-term affiliate income.

5. Get help!
Don't go it alone. Ask successful affiliates how they've grown their incomes - most are happy to share the details. Read their books, take their courses and get on their subscriber lists. There's no point in trying to reinvent the wheel. Simply follow the path that other successful affiliates have taken before you and you can achieve success too. It really is that simple.
And if you want some more hype-free advice on generating real, long-term, "wow!" income online, read my new five- page website that reveals _exactly_ how I did it and how YOU can do it too...
---> AOL HotLink

Tutorial by Jim Daniels of
Jim's new, no-hype, step-by-step Guide to Making a Living from the Internet is at
Read Jim's web-based guide and discover how you could make your living online.
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