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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

New Membership Site

I've got some pretty exciting news for you today.

Although they might not know it yet, what's opening today
is going to have a huge effect on the search engines
and everybody who uses them.

What am I talking about?

It's a new project that I've become involved in that
goes by the rather innocuous name, the SEO Giveaway.

In reality, the impact of it could be amazing.

You see, Leon Klepfish has managed to talk some of the
biggest names in search engine optimization into giving
up their most secret guides, special reports, and software.

And all of this is available inside the SEO Giveaway
member's area.

But, nobody is allowed in unless they agree to one condition.

The condition is simple, but something that will eliminate
90% of the possible participants:

You have to use what you learn. Now.

If you aren't willing to read and use what you get inside,
then you're not allowed in.

That's the rule. Take it or leave it.

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