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Friday, August 04, 2006

Follow 5 Simple Steps to Make Money with Adsense Marketing

Follow 5 Simple Steps to Make Money with Adsense Marketing
By Marc Howlett
How to make money with adsense marketing.

If you frequent Internet marketing forums you will no doubt have heard all about people making money with adsense marketing and you may be wondering just how easy can it be? We are going to look at some of the best methods you can employ to earn money with adsense.

First though for those of you who have not heard about adsense then I suggest you take a look at the Google website and search for adsense, they have a really good description there and this will cover the basics to get you started.

So you have signed up for adsense and have added the code to your websites but have you started making money with adsense marketing. There are a few simple steps that you should follow to get your site up to scratch before you can start getting some profitable clicks and really make money with adsense.

Step 1.
Make your domain name on topic, if you are targeting a niche for example: - dog grooming then try to get these keywords into your domain name. This will be a good start to getting targeted adverts displaying on your site and obviously the better targeted the ads the more likely your visitors are to click the ads.

Use keyword targeted filenames for your pages, so again say we have an article about grooming puppies then make your page filename include these keywords, also when you link to your internal pages try to use the keywords again in the anchor text.

Use section targeting to tell the adsense bots the most important text on your page to target the adverts on. You can do this by using the following html code around your important text on your page

Your keyword-targeted text goes here

This is a great way to get targeted ads on your page but you have to make sure that you have good-targeted keyword text within these wrappers.

This little tip has definitely helped me make money with google adsense and I have not seen that many people us it. You can also tell the bots section of your page that they should ignore, this can be very helpful as sometimes the bots pick up on the wrong keywords and display untargeted adverts. You will find that untargeted adverts will lower your click through rate as your readers will not be interested in the adverts and therefore will not click. So to implement this we use the following code.

the text you want ignored here

This is the most important step to follow, as it will help you make money with adsense marketing. Make sure that your content is relevant and useful to the readers. Original content that is well written, with correct spelling and use of correct grammar will also help you get the most targeted high paying adverts displayed on your pages.

So now you have some simple steps to follow to help you make money with google adsense.

If you want to make money with adsense marketing then take a look at this amazing free tool I use to make a full time living online.

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